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Read important news from Microsoft regarding
Internet Explorer support

Setup your browser to record

Knovio requires access to your computer's camera and microphone before you can record video and audio voiceover. If you're having trouble enabling your camera and microphone in your browser, follow the steps below.



Chrome is prompting you for permission

If Chrome is asking you for permission to use your camera and microphone, choose Allow.


Chrome is blocking your camera and microphone

If Chrome is blocking you from using your camera and microphone, try the following steps:

  1. With the Knovio tab selected, look to the far right of the web address for the Camera and microphone blocked icon and click it.
  2. Select the option to "Always allow to access your camera and microphone."
  3. Click Done.
  4. If necessary, click "Try Again" in Knovio or refresh the page.


Chrome is blocking your camera and microphone (Chrome Content Settings)

If you can't find the "Camera and microphone blocked" icon in the web address bar as described above, try these steps to change your Chrome Content Settings instead:

  1. At the top right of your browser, click the More icon (3 dots in a vertical line), and then Settings.
  2. At the bottom, click Advanced.
  3. Under Privacy and security, click Content settings.
  4. Click Camera.
  5. If the "Ask before accessing" setting is turned off, turn it on.
  6. If you see "" listed under Block, click the Delete (trash can) icon to remove it.
  7. If necessary, go back to Content settings and click Microphone, and repeat steps 5-6.
  8. Back on the Knovio tab, click "Try Again" or refresh the page.


For more information about how to use your camera & microphone in Chrome, visit: